Saturday, January 16, 2010


Throwing off the hot blankets of yesterday, the new man strides out with purpose in his heart, and the will to live more fully than ever before. It is a new frontier, this place and with great inspiration and the vision to strike a new trail, incredible new possibilities are everywhere!

The honest of heart will admit no defeat to lesser minds, but will stand firmly upon the premises that all men and women of imagination can find success in life, simply because optimism and hope are the anvils upon which to forge great dreams!

Step up, step forward, move ahead because you can. Entertain no thinking that defeat ever holds back those of great faith!

You are the new frontier, a mind full of bold new desires, to dream and achieve the hopes that every child of God may have!

The Hinterlands of Consciousness

In the remote countryside of the imagination, a land from before the progression of great intellectual pursuits, lie the dark hinterlands where doors close at sunset and the animals are locked into their barns and out-buildings! Metaphorically and allegorically, the fears of the times were the chains of all the generations before!

Casting off those ropes and chains and striking out to make my own way, the world I walked away from fell away behind me like distant shrouded mountains!

The curse of the father no longer binds the inner child and I have found that the freedom I always wanted is to be found in the hearts of those in the here & now, people able to accept me and love me just because!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Deep, dark blue, sapphire in temper, color like black but not, the eye of the tiger sparkles, twinkles, laughing, purring, being the cat. I'm over here, not over there. Come over here. I'm not over here, I'm over there. Playing with you like the big cat does! Why should the cat do what you want? The cat does what the cat wants to do. That is the nature of the cat.

The character, now... that is a different matter altogether! Does a cat lack character? Does character find a home in the heart of a cat? The cat is so different. So very indifferent! The cat will not lay down beside you as the dog is wont to do! The dog longs to be loved and will love back! The dog will love you unconditionally. The cat will rise and wander off. Don't hold your breath.

The deep blue sapphiric eyes of the snow tiger are that rare color of the cosmos. Perfect in depth. Perfect in position. They hide their thoughts better than a gambler in a hot game of poker. The gambler knows when to hold up, and when to fold up! The snow tiger will never.

Invictus. The cat knows no master, knows no defeat and never compromises or gives in.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Impaled on the tigers claw, fighting for a breath and seeing the stripes of the beast melting and fading away into it's foul breath, I lay there struggling, gasping, hoping to fight more. Under the heavy coat of the huge beast, it's muscles ripple and flex, as it holds me in it's jaws, until I cease to struggle.

I meld into the tiger's spirit... we become one... I realize the tiger is me, fierce and gentle, roaring and sweet, terrible and sensitive.

Before the windows of my soul, as I lay quiet and watching the cold winters day outside, I relax and begin to wonder what might be if the upper reaches of stairs to stars might come into reach, and I could bound upward, roaring, playing, pretending to scatter the wandering minstrels upon the trails?

Warmer moments interfere and the ice and snow melt away, leaving the wetness of leaves, earth and concrete as witnesses to what had been and will be again.

The sun looks like a January sun.

Winter will return.